Amur very popular in the culinary world. The uniqueness of taste can enhance a variety of cuisine. Plus, its nutritional content is also quite diverse. These experts suggested a variety of mushrooms for consumption.
Shitake Mushrooms
Shitake Mushrooms

Its texture is slightly chewy like meat, so the fungus has been named as the favorite. Research conducted the American Chemical Society stated, shitake mushrooms are a major source of L-ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant. High levels of L-ergothioneine in shitake even chicken liver and heart beating wheat (wheat germ). Previously, two types of food that is believed to be food diet rich in L-erghothioneine. Shitake very delicious when fried or cooked in soup.
Enoki Mushrooms
Professor Phan Hwai Chong of Yang Ming Research Center, Taiwan claimed that the enoki mushrooms are capable of killing cancer cells in the body up to 95%. Choose white enoki mushrooms pale and somewhat hard. Enoki can last up to 1 week if stored in refrigerator. Before processing, soak in water first. To remain crisp, do not cook more than 3 minutes.
Oyster Mushrooms
Can be used as a natural treatment, replacement of statin drugs. Statins are drugs used to lower cholesterol levels in people who have a risk of cardiovascular disease. Its texture is soft and easy to absorb the flavor, perfect cooked with chicken and seafood.
Mushroom Buttons
Various health benefits can be obtained from button mushrooms. According to the study of the City of Hope National Medical Center, button mushrooms could inhibit the formation of the enzyme aromatase. This enzyme is an enzyme triggers estrogen, cause increased risk of breast cancer. Button mushrooms also contain selenium, riboflavon, niacin, potassium, vitamin D, and copper are useful as a shaper of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Fungi of this type are often used as toppings (sprinkles) for pizza.
Mushroom Shimeji
Shimeji mushrooms are types of fungi that must be cooked for a sweet flavor and crunchy get out. Can be processed into soups, seized, or fried in butter.
Portobello Mushrooms
In Northern Italy, this fungus is also called cappellone. That is, a big hat. Its texture is thick and on, often used as a substitute for meat by the vegetarians. Portobello which has been cooked and frozen in the freezer, can last up to several months. Portobello mushroom is delicious when grilled or baked. Or, is used as a substitute for meat content of burgers.
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