Monday, February 28, 2011

Green Grass Jelly Control Hypertension

Green Grass Jelly
According to research, green grass jelly has a property to control high blood diseases. Substances contained in green grass jelly can be utilized as material for medicines, in addition to use as a refreshing beverage.

Plants that are named latin Cyclea barbata and included in the tribe sirawan-sirawanan (Menispermaceae), this leaves have been studied contain carbohydrates, polyphenols, saponins, flavonoida and fat. Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and B are also found in leafy green grass jelly.

Cincau efficacy research to treat high blood pressure disease ever undertaken in 1966 by prof. Dr. Sardjito, Dr. Rajiman and Dr. Bambang Suwitho from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. In this study patients were given fresh grass jelly leaves 5 grams of crushed with 150 cc of boiled water and then squeezed. Juice was given to patients to drink two times a day.

The test was done to the patient of high blood pressure with age above 40 years. The results of patients experienced a decrease in blood pressure significantly. A patient aged 70 years and his blood pressure reached 215mm/120mm decreasing blood pressure became 160mm/100mm within one month after eating grass jelly. Complaints dizziness, often tired and stagger away and lose weight.

In addition, fiber is also high in grass jelly. Research conducted by the Nutrition Directorate of the Ministry of Health to reveal cincau contained 6.23 grams per 100 grams of crude fiber content in the gel grass jelly.

Know Good Bad Cheese

Cheese is a very rich intake of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin, and vitamin B12. Therefore, it is not surprising that the food is initially produced by the Egyptians were now used as a breakfast favorite in many countries around the world.

Call it the cheddar cheese. Apparently, one serving or about 30 grams of cheddar cheese contains 200 grams alone or equivalent calcium content of calcium contained in the pure milk of medium size.

Feel all the other benefits of consuming the yellow with blue cheese type of cheese that is believed toto reduce the the risks of the fragility of our teeth . Researchers from the British Cheese Board also convey the content of tryptophan in cheese can help relieve stress and make us can sleep more soundly.

5 Food Bidder Stress

Stress, who is not familiar with this word? Almost every individual experience. Especially in those who often chased by time constraints. Stress conditions often make the immune system and result in decreased easy to be sick, from colds to heart disease.

Actually foods that can reduce your stress like a warm oatmeal can increase levels of serotonin in the body so out a sense of calm and comfort. Other foods can reduce levels of cortisol and adrenaline, where they are stress hormones that exist in the body over time. Let's learn so you can feel more comfortable and reduce your stress level.

1. Foods containing complex carbohydrates
Carbohydrates encourage the brain to make serotonin, giving rise to a sense of comfort, it is good to eat complex carbohydrates that can be digested properly. Good choice as a producer of complex carbohydrates are cereals, breads, pasta, and oatmeal. Carbohydrates complexes also could make blood sugar become stable.

Heart Healthy Wine

Wine is a nutritious beverage, and many health benefits. These drinks can lower blood cholesterol, reduce weight, able to ward off cancer, and create a healthy heart.

Wine including alcoholic beverages produced from fermented fruits. The most common fruit used as raw material for making wine is a fruit wine. Other fruits, such as plum, elderberry, and black currants can also be used.

The grapes are naturally can produce wines with the best quality, even without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, and other nutrients. Types of wine used as raw material for wine is a European wine, Vitis vinifera. Additionally, wine can also be made from the species Vitis labrusca, Vitis aestivalis, Vitis muscadinia, Vitis rupestris, Vitis rotundifolia, Vitis riparia and thriving in North America.

Red Rice Keep Blood Sugar

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes has become a global health problem. The number of patients with this disease continues to increase dramatically, including in Indonesia. One of the prevention efforts that can be done is setting a good diet.

From this strategy, various studies have shown, changing the type of food consumed is effective to control blood sugar levels. One way is to replace white rice with brown rice or bread from Cereal intact.

Latest publications from Harvard researchers published in the Archives of Internal Medicine states, red rice and food from Whole Cereal is a healthier choice for diabetics because it raised blood sugar slowly.

Kiwi, The Super Fruit

Until now I have no magic pill that can counteract the lethal disease and make the trim. But there is another solution, something that not only make healthy and slimming, but also taste delicious, the kiwi fruit.

Elisa Zied, MS, nutritionist and author of Feed Your Family Right, says kiwis are included in one of the 10 super foods (super food). Kiwi include multitasking fruit because they contain disease-fighting nutrients, tastes good, contains fewer calories, plus making the skin youthful. Really super!

Kiwi fruit is often identified with New Zealand. In fact, fruit whose skin is hairy and looks like brown is actually originated from China and a new entry to New Zealand early 1990's.

The success of kiwifruit industry in New Zealand could not be separated from service Isabel Fraser, a teacher who brought home the seeds of the kiwi after visiting relatives in China. Kiwi seeds were then handed to the family Allison, who was wrestling in the field of horticulture. Since then farming in New Zealand kiwi fruit begins.

The original name was Yang Tao kiwi fruit. New Zealanders think the fruit has a flavor called the Chinese gooseberry and gooseberry. New around 1959 fruit was given the name "kiwi fruit" after the establishment of kiwi bird as a symbol of New Zealand.

2 Types Of Kiwi Fruit
In the market world today there are two types of kiwi fruit, which is green (green) and gold (gold). green kiwi Actinidia deliciosa using botanical names and kiwi called Actinidia chinensis gold. Slightly sour flavor of green kiwi and fresh. Medium gold kiwi taste sweeter on the tongue.

The content of vitamin C in green kiwi 92.7 mg vitamin C per 100 grams, slightly below the gold kiwi vitamin C content that reaches 105.4 mg per 100 grams.

However, according Fiastuti vitamin C content in kiwi green and gold kiwi more than oranges and papaya. Meanwhile, vitamin E was more than the mango and papaya.

In addition to vitamins, these two types of kiwi fruit is also rich in fiber are good for digestive tract health. Not only that, but enough fiber also can keep blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

Rich in Nutrients and Antioxidants  
One of the benefits of kiwi fruit is a soft texture, delicious taste and rich aroma and fresh. But behind the furry brown skin, kiwi is the most nutrient-rich fruit.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed that of 27 species of commonly consumed fruits such as papaya, mango, and avocado, kiwi turned out to have the highest nutrient density.

The size of nutrient density (nutrient density) was used to measure the dietitian nutritional value of certain foodstuffs compared with other food ingredients in equal portions. The higher nutrient density, the better quality material.

Kiwi is also known as a fruit that is rich in viamin C, A and E. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi fruit two times more than oranges. While vitamin E in kiwi twice more than the mango.

Vitamin C and E are all we need as a source of antioxidants. According to nutritionists dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, one or two items kiwi every day is enough to meet the requirement of vitamin C per day. "Women aged 19-30 years need about 45 mg vitamin C per day. Meanwhile, in pregnant women increased to 60 mg / day and in the nursing need 85 mg / day," he explained.

According Prof.Made Astawan, in the book Aneka Food Nutrition, in addition to vitamins C and E, another antioxidant found in fruits such as kiwi-carotene, lutein, xanthophyll, flavonoids, and so forth.

Eating foods that contain antioxidants believed to prevent dangerous illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging. One theory why someone might be old is due to free radicals. The oxidation process will also cause DNA damage that led to the emergence of cancer.

Antidote to free radicals that are known at this time is an antioxidant. Kiwi antioxidant capacity against free radical compounds ranked third highest after the orange and red wine.

Antioxidants contained in the kiwi fruit is the most easily metabolized and absorbed into the body's blood vessels. That's why the food sources of antioxidants such as kiwi is strongly recommended for those who want to be healthy naturally.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nutrition Needs of People with Cancer

Apart from taking medical drugs, the below mentioned some of the nutrients needed by cancer patients, among others, as follows:

1. Beta karotein
As a source of anti-cancer that can be found in carrots, kailan, parsley, and spinach.
2. Vitamin C
As an antioxidant to fight free radicals, which can be found in cabbage, parsley, green peppers, and broccoli.
3. Vitamin E
As an antioxidant to fight free radicals, you can get on spinach, asparagus, and carrots.
4. Selenium
As an antioxidant to protect cells and boost immunity to prevent the development of cancer, you can get on radish, garlic, and orange.
5. Calcium, potassium, and chromium
Serves to prevent the development of cancer. Calcium can be found on parsnips, kailan, parsley, and watercress. Potassium can be found in spinach and garlic. While the chromium can be found in green peppers, spinach, potatoes, and apples.